Engaging the Bystander - Fife

With the support of Mike Keddie from Styx Kirkcaldy and local prevention officers, staff and managers from local pubs and bars attended our latest “Bystander” training session.

Known as the “Bystander Approach” the training is designed to equip people with the tools and confidence to safely intervene in situations, where they see people are vulnerable and at risk of harm.

The session involved around 25 people and was very interactive, drawing on the personal experiences and views of those in the room to highlight the ways in which we can support people in distress, without becoming victims ourselves.

Please contact us for more information on how your licensed premises and staff could benefit from such training please email:bbnscotland@retailersagainstcrime.org

Sergeant Keith Jack

PC Allen Paul of Police Scotland delivering the Bystander Approach. Effective in person awareness training, that empowers staff within an organisation support those who may be vulnerable or at risk.


Strathclyde Student Union, Health & Wellbeing Event - Naloxone Training


Engaging the Bystander - Dumfries